Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Toy Truck Yellow to Rigamortis

Well this past week was quite a doozy! On my long weekend we finally tackled this kitchen project we'd been talking about. We painted our kitchen a bright, colorful yellow. It went from pale and blah to....basically a "toy truck yellow." Ivan and I put up bead board along the lower half of the walls and painted blue accents throughout the rest in order to match our countertop. And the best of all? Ivan and I miraculously never got into an argument throughout this whole process! Pictures will be posted soon.

Next on the agenda? Wheewww, what a week so far. Yesterday at work was crazy. It's still really tough being a rookie and the biggest problem for most rookies across the board is the geographical orientation, and I am no exception. It becomes very hard trying to get from point A to point B all while driving 70 mph, thinking about the call and how you will handle it. Not to mention I am not from this area so I am basically starting from scratch. It's OK though, I've got a feeling I'll get there eventually.

But yesterday, oh yesterday. We got to help a suicidal jumper from off of the bridge. She was schizophrenic and was really contemplating the idea. She was on the outer perimeter of the wall, but not the outermost, which was a good thing. As we were talking to her, I just kept thinking, "Oh crap, please don't jump, I'm not sure if I could handle that this morning." She was a very large woman so there was no option to even think about trying to grab her from off the edge in case she did start to go over. We've been having a rash of jumpers in this city. My partner and training officer just physically grabbed another jumper from the bridge last week. Must be the weather.

I also saw my first dead body today. DOA. It's quite a weird feeling when you're poking and prodding at a cold stiff body behind close doors, while the family sits in the other room and sobs. Not too bad though. She was almost 97! Plus she already looked a bit skeletal.

Lets see what today has to offer me.


Shannon said...

Okay...a jumper. That's crazy. I wish you Good luck in being able to deal with everything that you'll come across. It seems crazy stressfull to me. So I'm glad there's brave people like you!!

Your profile pic with Bella is totally adorable!

Shannon said...

oh, belle not bella...sorry I must be thinking of Twilight.

Unknown said...

Holy cow... talk abaout perspective. You are seeing such amazing things... it's no wonder cops become writers!

LOVE the blog. I am so happy to be a voyeur in your sweet life. I will be checking often!

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Youngest of twelve children. Enough said.