Ivan and I attended Phantom. It was a good night, but of course, something wierd always has to happen. Let me explain.
As we are getting ready to leave I can't get my bra to not show on my dress! It was so frustrating, I know only girls will understand this. Anyhow, with some handiwork and a safety clip I eliminated the problem before we left the house.
When we enter the theatre I was kind of disapointed. Now, let me explain. I set up the purchase of the tickets. But when I was buying them online, the old Burton cheap-0 came out in me. Even though we have the money and I'd been waiting for this for so long, I still went with some of the cheapest seats in the house. Big mistake. Well not BIG, but I wish I hadn't. The seats were still fine, but I would have loved to be closer. (But it's OK. Ivan felt so bad he's already talking to me about going to Vegas and seeing it with awesome seats!) But it doesn't stop there. So now we are sitting in our seats and the show begins. I forget about my wishes for being closer up and just enjoy the whole atmosphere.
It's the scene right at the auction. The chandelier is on the ground and then all of a sudden "pop" it lights up dramatically just like it was supposed. The orchestra is playing the opening song and I'm getting really excited. Then the orchestra stops, the chandelier is still laying on the ground and I'm thinking "I think the chandelier was supposed to raise." A female voice cuts in, "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are having technical difficulties..." You get the rest.
So after 5 minutes, the show starts back up again. I've figured it's best to just roll with the punches and enjoy the show.
About ten minutes into that the Phantom is making his big debut on screen. I love it! I love his voice, I love his costume, I love the guy who just collapsed in the chairs behind me...What? Yes, some guy collapses. Everyone stands up around us. I'm waiving to the usher to go get some help. Turns out it was no big deal, low blood pressure or something (probably from our seats being so high and far away!) But everyone around me acted like he was dying. I'm thinking, "Why is everyone huddled over him? Why is he still sprawled out on the concrete floor? Why don't they help him up and walk him out for some fresh air?" But no, they insist on 5 people standing aorund him, freaking out. So after about ten minutes of this the firefighters show up. Dang firefighters. Anyhow, they escort him out, and I've now missed one of my favorites songs. I also feel like Karma will get me because I eventually was getting mad at the guy for passing out during one of my favorite songs.
Well, that was about the worst of it. Oh yeah, Ivan did lean over and ask "What's the hand at the level of the eye thing mean?" I just started laughing (see my older post below).
Other than these few things I still really enjoyed it. The technical aspects of the show were awesome! I loved the singing and the live orchestra. Now I am ready to shell out some big bucks and do it again in Vegas.
It's over for the music of the night.